Saturday, 30 April 2011

Spot the Jack

The sitting room paint dried just in time for the wedding. We papped the TV and toasted the couple with bubbly in old coronation mugs. Then off to town to play spot the Jack. It wasn't a very difficult game yesterday. Here are some of the fruits.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

So many skirting boards

We've spent the last 3 days redecorating our sitting room and painting all the woodwork in the flat. Mum very sweetly helped on the first day. Ben was there for the first two. And then, yesterday, it was just me and so many yards of skirting, wood filler, sand paper and terrible, terrible repetitive local radio. I've now heard the advert for the new Saab for business users at a (not terribly local) Brighton garage at least 15 times.

On the plus side, the sitting room which was several shades of latte is now white and blue grey and decorating = an excuse for rewarding ourselves with nice long picnic lunches on the West Hill and a sunset trip to the beach with a bottle of fizz and my new pink espadrilles. Jaunty, yes? Also, was delighted to see that a local fish shop is offering Fantastic God Fillets at lunchtime. We might just pop by at the weekend.

I also spent a lovely evening at the parents' last night and passed my favourite cottage on the way there. It's on a little lane which is afroth with cow parsley and hawthorn at the moment (just for the record, the foliage in the picture below wasn't actually scavenged on a public highway - it came from Mum's garden). I love it's friendly little house face and it's rickety little chimney. It looks just like a house that you might have drawn as a child.

Photo above (c) my mum. 

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Sunnyday

Sunshine and a pretty Richmond wedding complete with a bunny bridesmaid on Saturday. Then a delicious roast beef Sunday lunch in the garden (with an attendant wolfhound) and too much chocolate followed by sunset in a sea of frothy cow parsley, dandelion clocks and bluebells. Blissykins.

Monday, 18 April 2011

It's going to be a...

... crazy little short week.

Too much to do and too little time. Agggggggh.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

A London weekend

A rare London weekend in which we:
- bought some heavenly nickel taps for the new bathroom and sat in several baths (mainly me) before choosing one;
- met lovely friends for a pint in a proper North London pub (much as I love West London, they really do have the best boozers);
- encountered 2 beautiful old vans - one French and one German;
- made a Sunday supper of roast chicken, aubergine fritters, curly kale and new potatoes then rhubarb and clementines with ginger yoghurt;
I did lots of the jobs that I've been meaning to do for months including re-stuffing an old Moroccan pouf and cleaning all the window sills and skirting boards (Oh the Glamour!);
Ben took a photo of sunset on the Westway and bought me a lovely jam jar of flowers from Scarlet & Violet;
Maggie admired it, was photographed and then got a bit huffy when she was told that her white whisker couldn't be airbrushed out prior to publication.

Friday, 15 April 2011

A cloud fancier

I've been working at home all day - tip tapping away on my laptop without much of a break. Whenever I've looked up from my screen though, I've seen a different type of cloud. It made me think it's time to share my cloud collection. Some are exotic, desert clouds but most hovered over good old Blighty at one time or another. I can't promise these will be the last fluffy delights that I share on this blog - they are pretty much my favourite thing to photograph.

Formal photographic wisdom dictates that you should be careful to balance your horizon and ensure that you don't get too much sky in a shot... if that's true, I've well and truly blown it with these pics.

Nothing makes it into my collection if it has a horizon in sight. What the heck, I admit, I'm a cloud fancier... are you?

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