Thursday, 7 April 2011


I think the souk in Marrakech might just be in my top 5 places. It's also got the potential to be ruinous. 10 dirhams = 78p. I scribble a few key numbers on my hand but - inevitably - there always comes a hectic, mid-haggle moment when your times-tables desert you and you are left wondering if you've just paid 50 quid for a small ceramic pot! (I really don't think I did, btw)

This trip I had been entrusted with birthday money from my mum, mother-in-law and my grandparents-in-law. I emerged with more embroidered baskets than I care to admit, a beautiful old French enamel tray, a white ceramic bowl, bright purple suede slippers and a pair of the palest pig-pink too and two glorious, faded carpets. Our very kind friend in the carpet shop took me on an hour long hunt all over the souks for a very particular type of tea glass. We didn't find it and then, blushingly, I discovered that they sold them in the riad! Eek. We bought an enamel tea pot though. B watched football with the other carpet types all the while.

We also took photos of Mimi the kitten to Said (Mimi is now fully grown and was off on feline business when we visited). He gave us mint tea and a little mustard pot.

A welcome fan and a coca cola when everyone needed a little souk break... I was amused by how similar it was to Cafe by the Coast in good old Hastings - except with a bit more Arabic and tagine and a bit less scone

I loved the dainty chair in the middle of it all...

I didn't buy them ALL...

Mint tea with Said

A boys' night in, souk-style

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